Logical Reasoning 03 Welcome to your Logical Reasoning 03 1. Hand is to volleyball as leg is to Football Cricket Golf Basketball2. Open is to close as near is to Far Away Distant Close3. Painting is to eyes as singing is to Music Sound Ears Singing4. Desert is to Oasis as Ocean is to Sea Sand Water Island5. Sugar is to sweetness as lemon is to Salty Wet Sourness Sweet6. Referee is to football as umpire is to Chess Cricket Basketball Hockey7. Flying is to bird as swimming is to Eagle Bee Camel Fish8. Dice is to snake and ladder as striker is to Play cards Carrom Monopoly Scrabble9. Stick is to Hockey as bat is to Cricket Basketball Football Badminton10. Sing is to sang as eat is to Ate Eating Have eaten Eats11 out of 10Please fill in the comment box below.